Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Circle of Life... The Blonde Life

I have been an advocate of blonde hair for a while now. I've shared my journey to the lightest of blondes (so far) as well as my efforts to keep my goldie locks from falling out of my head... 

You may have noticed a bit of... growth on some of my more recent posts, and that would be due to me ... *pause for effect*.... GETTING A WEEEEAVE!!! I hadn't had a weave since before i gave birth to my second child 3.5 years ago! It was grand, i loved it, i bought... not expensive hair, i loved it, curled it, straightened it, took it out, put it back in, braided it, flipped it, tossed it, damaged it, hated it and took it out again... it was a fun 2 months. And now that i know that my life is more complete with longer blonde hair, i am saving for some good quality naturally blonde hair so i know it's not as damaged... i am also considering a wig so i can totally leave my hair alone. In the few weeks after taking my weave out, i decided that i would let my hair grow out and stop with the murderous coloring... i've also stood in the hair color isle at both walgreens and target and stared longingly at my beloved feria platinum hair color.

Aaaanyhoo, in an attempt to keep my hair even healthier than before, i got a little more serious about keeping my hair moisturized and braiding it in order to get bouncy hair that looks like it's been styled... my hair in it's natural state is straight/wavy in the front, curly in the back and frizzy in the middle... it's less than amazing. But, after washing, conditioning and applying a little oil, i put 2 braids in my wet hair, one on each side like so....

...and let it dry completely (usually overnight) and  it ends up looking EXTRA fancy! Like this...

And if you're wondering if i cropped these photos because of blemishes or because i didn't like the way my face looked.... You're right! I can be fairly vain at times.. big surprise!

Here's me with the best shot of my face... not the greatest shot of the hair...

Not too shabby right? It looks shorter than usual, but i guess that's what u can expect with curlier hair. For some ppl, this is just regular old curly hair. But to me, and others with multi-textured hair, this is dreamy! Ha! I was even asked if i had curled my hair with a wand... Success! 

Welp, my hair journey continues on. Hopefully my next hair post will include an extravagant weave or wig and photos that lead u to believe that i could be related to blacc chyna.

As usual, find me on

Instagram @RacquelMUA


Twitter @RacquelMUA

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