Monday, November 5, 2012

Wait... How Do I.....?

Ok, so.. i have a friend who shoots me the occasional question and since her questions r not uncommon, i like to respond here for anyone with similar questions to have access to the answers... anyhooo... she asked me about these 2 things so i figure i'll kill 2 birds with one blog, ;-)

"...How to use eyeshadow or blended eyeliner underneath the eye without looking like you have a black eye (and how to make it stay)
and finally how to do the light color pretty much all over the lid and then where to start that dark color..."

to the first part of this, i say start with PRIMER!!!! (excuse my excitement) but yes, eye primer is pretty important for 1:keeping your eye color in place, 2: keeping your eye color from creasing, 3: to let your eye color pop... so when applying primer, don't be shy. apply it to the upper and lower lid so when you line your lower lash line, the color doesn't go sliding out of place and giving you the raccoon effect. also, when applying color to your lower lash line with shadow, use a flat shadow brush to keep the color spreading evenly and the line just as thick or thin as u like. also, don't load that brush up with color... tap, blow or shake excess shadow off so it doesn't get too messy. when using liner, apply the liner and then use a sturdy smudge brush or and actual rubber smudge tool (not sure if that's the name cuz i'm super drawing a blank, so here's what it looks like...
this kind of smudge tool is the best for liner. always clean up any makeup that falls onto your face and even clean up your line if you like. it should look like this...

As for the second part of this inquiry, after applying you lighter color to your lid, if you're unsure where to begin with your darker color... start with you lower lash line.... even if you're not going to line your lower lash line, you basically want your shadow to extend the natural shape of your eye so you would take a fairly narrow brush and, instead of stopping at the outer edge of your eye like you would in the above look, you'd just take that line out toward the end of your brow as far out as you like. referring back to another post (that actually features the picture below) you can see the exact step where the darker shadow is taken from the lower lash line out toward the brow. use that same step, but don't feel obligated to take it as far out as i chose to... i like drama in my eye makeup. 

I hope this was helpful for you all who are still making attempts at bringing Razzle-Dazzle into your everyday makeup routines!
If there are ANY other questions, feel free to shoot them into the comments box, or my inbox. and remember, hands-on is always just a bit more fun, so I'm available for actual personal teaching! what could be more fun than having an MUA spend an hour or 2 coaching you through your favorite looks?! 

Don't forgets...

Feel free to contact me for Bookings! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

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