Sunday, August 24, 2014

Change Is Inevitable.... When It Comes To My Hair

Hey!.. So we all know that I am very fickle when it comes to my look. Well, I loved loved loved my red hair and I adored my dreads!.... But red just didn't feel like ME. It was cute and fun and the dreads were definitely #ALOOK (shout out to Handsome Deville) but, I was craving my blonde. So i took to google and youtube to figure out how to get it back without having to Amber Rose it up.
First, I took my beloved .dreads out to assess the color situation...hoping that the red had faded away.
As you can see, the color was alive and well. And the way i had my hair wrapped around each dread left me with some pretty gnarly curls.

After a day or two of searching, I found a not so harsh way to strip the red out of my hair... Vitamin C and Shampoo!.. Wait, what?
Yes! I crumbled maybe....12-15? Capsules of vitamin c (you can use any kind of straight vitamin c. The powdered kind, the giant tablets, or the regular capsules that u take with water like i did) and grinded them in a tupperware dish til it was a fairly fine powder. Then i added about the same amount of shampoo that i'd use for one wash (i'm very liberal with the amount of shampoo i use btw) and a teeny bit of water to get it to a liquidy texture. I mixed these things together until it was a bit creamy...yet grainy. I slathered this mixture all over my hsir, from ends to roots and then put a plastic cap on it and wrapped my head in a scarf. About an hour and fifteen minutes later, i rinsed it out and shampooed my hair one time. BOOM!
So much of the color had faded!...But it was still fairly pink. So i went back to youtube to consult some videos of this proccess and found where i had gone wrong. I put the mixture on dry hair. So, back to crumbling, grinding, adding shampoo and water and mixing. This time, since my hair was wet, i worked the mixture through my hair as if i were shampooing it, then plastic capped it, scarfed it up and left it in for 2 hours and maybe 15/20 minutes. I rinsed and washed snd HOLY MICHAEL'S CRAFT STORE! i could see blonde! It was that faded pink-ish blonde, but it was def blonde...aside from my roots, which were my natural hair color. Ps: I had a picture of that result, but I deleted it because i didn't realize i'd be blogging this... let's not judge here. After the second process, i loaded my hair with a good amount of organic coconut oil and put it in a single braid at the (get this lingo) nape of my neck. That's how i went to sleep.
Anyhoo, what's thoroughly impatient girl to do when she feels that just about all of her red color is gone? Go buy blonde dye, of course! To the drugstore i flew the next morning to get my Feria Ultimate Platinum!... but they didn't have it, so i opted for Absolute Platinum.

Looks fancy, right? Exactly... it's sure to work!
I rushed home, to get my blonde on! But i had thought about a comment my friend puddin made about being a "slave to my roots" and figured i would pretend to be a pro and try to give myself a bit of an ombre look.. i'm not a pro.. i'm an idiot. I applied the blonde dye to my roots first, skipping sections to make sure some of my roots would be blonde and some of them would stay dark... because that's what i vaguely remembered possibly seeing one time a year ago on youtube... i left the color on my roots in a plastic capr for about 50 minutes before applying the rest of the dye to my almost blonde but still a bit pink remaining hair. i replaced the plastic cap and left that on for another 30 minutes?... then i washed it out, applied the anti brass conditioner that comes with the dye and rinsed that out after 7 minutes....
Um... So... remember i said i was an idiot?... I wasn't kidding. WTF WAS I THINKING????? My "technique" and impatience left me with some pretty nice blonde hair... with pink, orange and dark brown roots!!! Wha-...wha-...What was i going to do? Like... wtf was life supposed to be with this hair? I couldn't help but laugh at how bad it was. But maybe.. it was just because it was wet? I deep conditioned for an hour with coconut oil in a plastic cap. Rinsed that out and went to bed, convinced that i'd wake up to fairly decent hair.
HA! My roots laughed in my face! They literally laughed and did a dance of humiliating severeness on my head...
Notice the anger on my sleepy "i just worke up to hair that hates me" face... notice the legit blondeness, yet absence of roots because i wouldn't dare photograph those warlocks....I knew i had to quit life right then and there... OR... (warning, amazingly bright idea coming) I just go get more platinum dye and redo it. Right? Just try the blonde one more time! BRILLIANT!.. but wait.. i don't want to be Amber Rose's brown-skinned twin...right! I was going for ombre right? Ombrizzle fo shizzle right? Ombreezy fo sheezy right? Om- sorry. Um... i'll go darker in the roots! I'll go... black? NO! Brown...Chocolate brown! CHESTNUT BROWN!!! To the drugstore!... with a scarf on!
I stared at the browns for a good thousand years because... I have NEVER shopped for brown dye before. All i knew was 1. I love loreal products. 2. I have to buy something.
I opted to shop the Preference line and landed on this little gem...
Number 5CB "Medium Chestnut Brown" in the "warmer" colors. Ran home, locked the bathroom door, divided my hair into four sections (two in front, two in back), mixed the color in the applicator bottle and applied the color to my roots, and used my fingers to rake the color through my hair to the not-quite-halfway point of the length of my hair, so there wasn't a stark line of difference between the brown and blonde. I did this with each section, making sure to keep the length of the brown the same for each section. Then i sloppily clipped all of my hair together where the blonde began, used the excess color in the bottle to really get my edges covered and put a plastic cap on. Ps: i knew that some of the brown dye would get on some of the blonde, but i figured that it would help with the ombre effect.
After sitting for 30 minutes or so, i washed the color out, used the brown dye's conditioner on the brown part of my hair and the anti-brass conditioner on my blonde ends.. rinsed and FELL IN LOVE!!!! 
Here it is! Just air-dried.. as u can see, my hair has no personality or consistency when it comes to texture... it's just hair. So i braided it...
And the color looked pretty dope! I was convinced that i was now an ombre master!... in my head. 
But I needed to style my hair with no heat and i figured i'd give Bantu Knots a try. And this is the end result of that...
Maaaaybe not perfect, but there is definitely more volume and texture in my hair. And the color really looks amazing! I'll try this again, but with bigger chunks of hair, since my hair is so deceivingly fine.
There you have it folks! I'm back to blonde, with a new twist! So happy with my results! I swear, I am just like you and i have had my share of mishaps and fails... but i recommend that we all just keep pushing the envelope and trying new ways to Dazzle! It usually ends up being well worth it. *flips newly colored hair* ha!

For more of me:
Instagram: @RacquelMUA
The Makeup Social: @Racquel_G

And for bookings, contact


  1. I read every word and love it! I my self messed with my hair a lot! 1 day I was blond, another day had black hair.. this would have been helpful then! The vitamin C trick blows my mind! Xoxo

  2. Awesome! Thank you for reading Marcella. I know a lot of girls can relate to the at-home coloring struggles. Lol!
