Friday, March 28, 2014

Laziness Can Really Get You Places... Right?

Ok look... i spend 13+hrs out of the house, 5/6 days a week. And doing my makeup in the car is all fine and dandy, but sometimes (more often than not, lately) i just wanna say "who tf cares?!" And do nothing with this mugg of mine. I do love keeping it simple aka lazy at times, and just doing foundation, blush, mascara and lipstick/lipgloss.. but then again, sometimes i don't want to wear foundation. So i started wearing a bb cream.. and that was grand... but then baseball season started and although i got the darkest color available (i know, i know, a fancy red bone like me? Darkest?) I had gotten tanned enough to look crazy in my bb cream. Welp, too bad nobody makes a bb or cc cream in my color... ooh! And with an spf, since i'm out in the sun for baseball practices and games...
Oh wait...
Mary Kay does!!!
Mary Kay CC cream with spf 15! It's pret-ty amazing. Now, just a heads up, if you're darker than me... the struggle continues, because the darkest shade (Deep) is an EXACT match on my skin.. like... the PERFECT match. Great news for me and ppl with my skintone and lighter..  not so great news for darkertoned dazzlers. But don't worry, i'm sure this is only the beginning... well, pretty sure.
Inside Tip: if you're looking for the same effect, mix your shade of MK foundation with the MK broad spectrum spf face primer.

Back to the magic. I normally don't like most spf products on my face because they feel heavy. But MK is known for their light-weight spf products, plus the color looked spot on so i had to try it. Needless to say, at this point in my rambling, that i am very happy with this product! It goes on and rubs in easily, and once it sets, (which takes like.. a minute, tops) it is WEIGHTLESS. I don't feel like i'm wearing anything at all! Not only does it even out my complexion, it protects from sun damage (the leading cause of premature aging) AND it gives my face this... glow... my skin just looks radiant. . And i love that!

Now, these photos are taken with no flash and natural sunlight. (Gotta love having a sunroof). The left is me with no makeup at all. The second is me with the Mary Kay CC cream on. Not super heavy, as you can see. My skin is just more even and, can you see the glowy-ness? The right photo is after adding a little MK Mineral Cheek Color in both Golden Copper and Cherry Blossom, some Ultimate Mascara and a light layer of MK Cream Lipstick in Merlot that's been blotted... and that's it! A good, glowy look that shows that i did put some effort into my face, without having to bust out a thousand products! WINNING!!!
Anyhoo, just wanted to share this gem of a product with you.

As usual, you can get more of me on

Instagram: @RacquelMUA

 For Makeup Bookings

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Circle of Life... The Blonde Life

I have been an advocate of blonde hair for a while now. I've shared my journey to the lightest of blondes (so far) as well as my efforts to keep my goldie locks from falling out of my head... 

You may have noticed a bit of... growth on some of my more recent posts, and that would be due to me ... *pause for effect*.... GETTING A WEEEEAVE!!! I hadn't had a weave since before i gave birth to my second child 3.5 years ago! It was grand, i loved it, i bought... not expensive hair, i loved it, curled it, straightened it, took it out, put it back in, braided it, flipped it, tossed it, damaged it, hated it and took it out again... it was a fun 2 months. And now that i know that my life is more complete with longer blonde hair, i am saving for some good quality naturally blonde hair so i know it's not as damaged... i am also considering a wig so i can totally leave my hair alone. In the few weeks after taking my weave out, i decided that i would let my hair grow out and stop with the murderous coloring... i've also stood in the hair color isle at both walgreens and target and stared longingly at my beloved feria platinum hair color.

Aaaanyhoo, in an attempt to keep my hair even healthier than before, i got a little more serious about keeping my hair moisturized and braiding it in order to get bouncy hair that looks like it's been styled... my hair in it's natural state is straight/wavy in the front, curly in the back and frizzy in the middle... it's less than amazing. But, after washing, conditioning and applying a little oil, i put 2 braids in my wet hair, one on each side like so....

...and let it dry completely (usually overnight) and  it ends up looking EXTRA fancy! Like this...

And if you're wondering if i cropped these photos because of blemishes or because i didn't like the way my face looked.... You're right! I can be fairly vain at times.. big surprise!

Here's me with the best shot of my face... not the greatest shot of the hair...

Not too shabby right? It looks shorter than usual, but i guess that's what u can expect with curlier hair. For some ppl, this is just regular old curly hair. But to me, and others with multi-textured hair, this is dreamy! Ha! I was even asked if i had curled my hair with a wand... Success! 

Welp, my hair journey continues on. Hopefully my next hair post will include an extravagant weave or wig and photos that lead u to believe that i could be related to blacc chyna.

As usual, find me on

Instagram @RacquelMUA


Twitter @RacquelMUA

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dazzling Inside and Out

I've touched on this on my Facebook page Racquel Guess once or twice before, but since this is a blog about all things beauty....

I know i talk/write a big game about Razzle Dazzle and being outwardly fabulous here, but i do know that packing on the paint, dying the doo and making statements through fashion is not for everyone. I'm also very aware that many people don't find those things important at all. (Shocking right? I know!) But what i don't get is this...

Why is it that there are so many people who claim that all the makeup and hair styling and flashy clothes don't make a person beautiful... but are willing to bash a person's beauty because of it? If those things don't make or break a person's beauty... if beauty is found within (which i totally agree with)... then why not let the dazzlers be? Why not stop assuming that the decor is a cover-up for insecurity and ugliness and start getting to know people for who they are.
I've met many real, beautiful, down-to-earth people who loved to dazzle with a beat face, a good weave, and an immaculate wardrobe. I've also met some real, beautiful, down-to-earth women who just don't feel comfortable adding too much to their appearance... and we've all met an ugly, bitter, judgemental person who sat on a pedistal of their own... that were either, simple in their "earthy" "natural" "i don't need makeup" ways... or that were wrapped in faces "beat to the gawds!" "Weaved up" hair, and desiner clothing from head-to-toe.

The point i'm trying to make is one that constantly needs to be beaten into people's heads (apparently).. You CANNOT judge a book by it's cover! You can't determine that a person is not genuine by the amount of effort they put into their appearance. A love for variety and change in one's look does not mean that they are phony at heart. And the bare-faced person is not guaranteed to expose their true feelings or intentions... it's just looks folks! If i gave you 2 boxes, one wrapped in a beautiful bow and sprinkled with glitter, and the other made of unpainted cardboard and each held diamond rings of the same value... does one suddenly become more precious than the other?.....

And that's all i'm saying people.

No makeup... still alright lookin if i do say so myself (and yes i am nursing.. get over it if you're under it)

full face using BB cream instead of foundation... not my heaviest makeup

Early morning, leftover brows and mascara from the day before... no other makeup (check those dark circles)

Fullllll face! Foundation, highlight, contour.. everythang!
What doesn't change is the fact that these are all me. Same mind, same heart, same flaws... it's all just dressed differently.

Ps: Stop assuming that a person's love and want for makeup is a feeling of inadiquacy and need to cover up... we don't necessarily need underwear but some ppl won't leave home without it.

For more of me...
Instagram: @RacquelMUA

For Booking...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Keep In Mind That I Know The Rules...

It's like, rule number one in the makeup/skin care book of... life that you DO NOT sleep in your makeup! It's bad for your skin cell regeneration, it clogs pores, causes breakouts and is just... no.

Having said that... everyone (i'm assuming here) has had a night where your makeup is just soooo pretty that u didn't want to wash it off before bed. Whether it's because u want to see if u can re-wear it the next day or if u want to be super glam before... bed  (wink wink). Whatever the reason, it's been done a million times and i am no exception to that fact.

Why am i telling you this? Well... i just want to point out that my Mary Kay finishing spray is like holding spray for makeup... and after a night of sleep and/or sleep , i have been blown away with how amazing my face looks in the morning.. considering that it's hours and hours after applying the makeup and tossing and turning all over my face.

For example...

The top two are before and after of my last blogpost's makeup. Yes, it is not exactly the best my face has ever looked and not exactly the same as the freshly painted version.. and my eyebrow is... different. But i mean, look at how the makeup is exactly where i put it the night before!
The bottom 2 are from Valentine's Day. I had an uneventful night due to... kids, and i refused to wash my makeup off after not getting to take it anywhere! Well, i didn't have the most uneventful night (and i'll just leave it at that.. wink wink, again) and this after photo is litterally minutes after waking up... and singing to myself "i woke up like dis..." i mean, yes, it's shiny from my oily skin tendencies.. but c'mon son... it's not too shabby.

Now, am i suggesting that you sleep in your makeup NO! But i am saying that the Mary Kay Finishing Spray is the truth and if you use it, your makeup will last longer than before and if u book me to do your makeup and i use it on u, your makeup will last even longer! 


Instagram: @RacquelMUA

She Will Always Have My Heart...

A while ago, i started this blog with the intention of growing my Mary Kay business, not only my makeup artist business. Well, along the way, i fell more in love with experimenting with what different cosmetic companies had to offer. I've always been a bit of a rebel at heart.. even against my own rules. (Which is really not as productive as i'd sometimes like it to be, but that's neither here nor there) So i ended up getting away from my original lover, Mary Kay. Now, don't get me wrong, just about EVERY makeup look that i've done in the last 2 or 3 years has included Mary Kay product, but i stopped doing the full Mary Kay looks... and that's wrong.. Because Mary Kay will always have my heart.
I know what ur thinking. You're thinking that this must be the intro to me posting a top-to-bottom Mary Kay look... Well, no. BUT, this look i'm posting is a majority Mary Kay look. It's got the staples that i always use, (foundation, mascara, blush, bronzer and finishing spray), as well as Mineral Eye Colors (which i had gotten away from using... for no good reason at all).

Here it is folks...

 Fairly classy right? Yea, i was definitely a fan of the end result! Let's get started on a product list, shall we?

On the Eyes: I started by priming the area from the top of my crease up to my brow with Wet n Wild eye primer from the Fergie collection. Then on the brow bone i applied Mary KayMineral Eye Color in Gold Coast. Next, from the top of the crease to meetup with the Gold Coast, i applied Mk Mineral Eye Color in Chocolate Kiss. Next, i applied the primer to my lid. At the outter corner of the lid and a third of the way inward, i used MK Mineral Eye Color in Copper Glow. To the center of the lid (and blending with the copper glow) is Amber Blaze. The inner third of the lid is MK Mineral Eye Color in Lime. Along the crease, i used a dark brown wet n wild iconic eyeliner, then i used a dark brown matte shadow to smudge that line and blend the brown upward. Dipped a shadow brush in Chocolate Kiss to help with the blending. I used a baby wipe (because i always have those on deck) and cleaned up any eye shadow on my face, as well as creating a crisp line from the outter corner of my eye to the outter tip of my brow.

Liner time! Normally, i use Mary Kay Limited Edition Gel Liner, but i'm running extra low so i tried Wet n Wild's cream liner and i really like it! So yea, winged that liner out, slapped on some Ardell Demi Whispies (lashes) and moved on to my face.

I primed my entire face with Revlon Photo Ready primer then i used my knock-off beauty blender sponge that i got on ebay (don't hate) to apply my Mary Kay Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation in Bronze 5... i will never use another foundation.. like, ever! I used my Coastal Scents Camofladge pallet for highlighting and contouring. Mary Kay Mineral Cheek Color in Golden Copper and Mary Kay Mineral Bronzing Powder in Canyon Gold and then i moved back to my eyes.

I lined my lower lash line with the same dark brown pencil and smudged that with the samedark brown matte shadow used in the crease of my lid. I used wet n wild iconic black eyeliner on my water line, Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara on both top and bottom lashes and Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Honey Spice at the inner corner/ tear duct of my eyes.

I lined my lips with a brown liner then blotted that. Then i mixed wet n wild lipstick in Bare it All, Sonia Kashuk (sp?... idk) gloss in an orangey color.. can't remember the name of it and this sally hensen gloss that is a super pigmented coral pink... obviously there's more of the Bare It All, but yea, mixed those on the back of my hand and applied to my lined lips with my finger.

Finished with Mary Kay Finishing Spray (Seriously a MUST HAVE) because it makes my makeup stay put and stay fresh like nobody's business!

And there you have it!

For more of me:
Instagram: @RacquelMUA

For Bookings: