Hey! so... Target is the Method Man to my Mary J.... it's all I need to get by! In the past few months or so, i've discovered, while wandering aimlessly through the cosmetic isles, that Target has a clearance endcap that houses marked down haircare products, face and body care products, nail polish and even a bit of MAKEUP!!! now, I love drugstore makeup, and from time to time, i'll buy some mascara, gloss, lippies, etc. but they HAVE to be cheap. (otherwise i'll buy it from MK and know that the quality is def gonna be there... shameless plug) anyhoo... my first fantastic encounter with this endcap of glory I found this L'oreal Limited Edition Project Runway quad and Colour Riche "le gloss" in "The Mystic's Shine" the quad was $2 and some change and the gloss was something like $1.78!!! WINNING! Thses finds basically started a movement of needing to locate the Endcap of Glory in any Target and raid it for awesome finds! From there I found a Rimmel London shadow pallette that was fairly magical, a Rimmel London lipstick from the Kate collection that literally GAVE ME LIFE! (i will be posting about that and other lippies later on) 4 Milani Lip Flash pencils that kill the game and I seriously can't wait to find more! I would post pics of all of these things, but 1, i'm going to devote separate posts to them and 2,.... my blogger on my phone is not letting me place the photos where I want and i'm contemplating murdering ppl just thinking of how i'm going to have to stratigize my next posts. Anyhoo, that's my story of how I fell deeper in love with Target and will not stand for ANYONE comparing it to... *gagg* walmart.
Don't forget:
www.facebook.com/YourMK instagram: RacquelMUA and for bookings: RacquelMUA@gmail.com
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