Thursday, November 14, 2013

Does It Get Blonder Than This???... well yea, but shh

Alllllrighty folks, I've posted about this blonde journey before... plenty of times... and my last post said that I had decided on Superblonde and I was SOLD... until I googled even more reviews and realized that I'd have to do some extra things to my hair after using the product... no.. I wanna buy 1 box and be done.
Fast forward to about 6 weeks ago, my googling had led me to this..

Preference Extra Light Ash Blonde! I read amazing things about this! The $2 off had nothing/a lot to do with this purchase. Ha! Anyhoo, I was ready and set for the attack of the non orange roots!... these were my results..

This is immediately after rinsing the post-color conditioner out.. I look happy right?.. because I was! It wasn't SO orange and honestly, the uneven appearance within my roots was expected since that's the usual outcome. (There's not much method to my hair dying maddness). But yea, totally satisfied, shouting from the rooftops about this haircolor..Yea!
This is me a week or so after.. pretty good right? Still a little yellow at the lightest part (the front) and u can see at my temples that my roots, while not as orange as I had previously experienced, are still not very close to my hair color. But this was still the best thus far.. this was my fav hair color!!! 

Cut to yesterday when I was in heaven.. I mean at target and shopping the hair dyes, looking for my beloved and stumble upon this little gem...
I thought to myself "what's holding me back from just buying the hardsest, lightest, platinum looking dye? Y not just dive right on in?" I grabbed the box and threw it into my cart... then I googled reviews. Ha! But no service in the store meant I'd have to just buy and hope for the best.... so when I got to my car, I googled reviews. Lol! Great things being said!Especially about its effect on roots and virgin hair. SOLD.. u know... again. 
Well I got the hooligans fed, bathed and asleep and got ready and set to get blonder!
I don't exactly follow all directions that come with my box dyes, I like to feel my way through the coloring process. 
So I put the gloves on, mixed the color exactly how instructed then I took a hair color brush like this one...
Starting at the center of the front of my hair, I use the pointed end to part my hair from the hairline to about the top center of my head. I squeeze the color out along my roots on either side of the part and then use the brush to spread it from scalp to the end of my new growth.  I repeat that process spacing the parts about a half an inch apart... then the back... is a mess. Ha! I do my roots in the back by blindly poking the nozzle of the applicator bottle into my hair, squeezing color out in spurts and rubbing the color in with my fingers.... ridiculous, I know but so what. Anyhoo, after that, I make sure the edges are covered all around my hairline then I put the rest of my hair in bun on the top of my head and throw on a plastic cap. 30-40 minutes later, I take the cap off and then apply the color to the rest of my hair. I wish I had gotten 2 boxes because I felt like my hair wasn't saturated enough. But whatevs,I got it covered as best I could, piled it at the top of my head and the put the plastic cap back on for another 20-30 minutes. The end result was grand! I rinsed the color out then applied the anti-brass conditioner that came in the box for a few minutes. After rinsing that out, I put some leave-in conditioner in my hair and let it air dry. Pretty simple right?...
Boom! Amaztastic right?! Well, I'm all too familiar with my hair drying and the orange becoming more noticable, but even after it dried, this hair of mine is WAY lighter and less yellow/ orange than ever! WOOHOO!!! And now here is my hair all dry and extra bright...
What's that you say? It's orangey on the sides?... let me tell u, I don't take pics of my head allover because Iit's usually much more orange at my roots in the middle. Very happy with these results and can't wait to actually DO my hair... this is my hair after falling asleep on it wet. 

And there you have it folks!  I have found my new fav hair color and will hopefully be getting more and more platinum... without my hair falling out.. wish me luck!

For more of me
Instagram: @RacquelMUA

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blogs Are Like Showers...You Know?

So I was working on a client/friend's makeup yesterday and she asked a great question.. "So, how's your blog going?"...
Heavy, right?... Because I haven't posted since the Great Depression!!!
Well folks, we all know that I am anti-frumpy mom.. and we all know that I'm an advocate of daily *clears throat* DAILY RAZZLE-DAZZLE!!! But um... yea.. I DO have five thousand kids (3), and that does put a damper on my blogging abilities. Today, my friends, I took a shower (like real one) and I came to the conclusion that blogs are like showers!  When u have a million kids (3 or more), showers get shorter and (don't judge me) rarer....
For instance, it is 3 days after starting this blog and I'm just getting to finish it. 
Anyhoo... my blogs started out like my showers, a lot of attention to detail, subject (getting all around fresh and clean), witty oppinions (washing my hair and conditioning for a bit), photos (shaving all three main areas of shave-ccessity) and even some info on how to contact me (scrubbing my feet)... Gradually my blogs have become less detailed. The hair is only getting rinsed sometimes, the 3 areas that need shaving are getting cut down to 1 or 2 and the leftovers have to wait until the next shower, my feet aren't getting hit up with the lava rock everytime... it's a less polished blog for sure. So... I'm going to devote my time to getting at least 1 blog post clean, shaven, scrubbed and conditioned once a week. Because, after all,  it's about quality, not quantity right?.... right. We'll see how this goes.

For more of me...
Instagram: @RacquelMUA

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Hair Journey is Never Ending...

So, since I've been totally preoccupied with kids and other people's makeup, I haven't done any blog post or photo worthy makeup on myself... Poop on that!!!
Anyhoo, I also found myself neglecting my hair's health and it paid me back with a billion split ends, tons of breakage and a straw-like feel and appearance. So, since I'm looking forward to taking my blonde up a notch and going lighter, I figured I may wanna get my hair's life and stop acting like my head is invincible. So... I got a haircut! Just a trim of the dead ends, but since they were so bad, it's a major difference. I had started using the Wen cleansing conditioner and... Yea... It's not bad,but... I'm not paying $30 for results that are not phenomenal. I'll finish the bottles and be done with that. I want to try the Carol's Daughter Moi set from hsn next. Anyhoo, I got a haircut and as we speak am deep conditioning with coconut milk, honey and olive oil!
I can't wait to feel and see the difference in this maine of mine!

Fast forward to later in the evening.....
So... Ok, I had planned on washing my hair with Wen and seeing what I was working with... But my dad got some shampoos and whatnot from a friend of his who had recently begun and endeavor in selling hair care products for black ppl. The brand is Taliah Waajid Curls, Waves & Naturals. So, like  an awesome person, I try the shampoo meant for moisturizing curls, then I user the Wen cleansing conditioner, rinse that out, add 1 pump of the Wen to leave in, then I use the Curl Sealer from the TW brand which is said to define curls, dry soft, and moisturize.... POOP ON ME FOR TRYING NEW THINGS!!!  UGH!!! After my hair air dried (because I don't blow dry my hair) parts of it are kinda hard (like I used some sort of gel) and it feels totally dry! POOP! POOP ON THIS BRAND AND THEIR PRODUCTS!!! Needless to say, I'm rather pissed and I am very fond of saying poop instead of my usual foul language. Lol!
Anyhoo, my hair is dumb and I am seriously contemplating throwing my deep conditioning concauction back in and leaving it overnight.... I think I'll just load it with olive oil, throw on a shower cap and call in a night.... *sigh* it truly is a journey.

So... Google is My Middle Name Right?....

I've been blonde for, what feels like, my whole life. And, as a self-proclaimed wishy-washy individual, I decide that I will not re-dye my hair on a daily basis. i'll see a Ciara or Rihanna video or i'll notice this ombe trend going on and i'll think to myself "i'm gonna just let my hair grow out...".... then my roots get an inch or 2 long and i'll start wondering if I just look plain ol' lazy. lol! This prompts a nostalgic scroll through my photos and all the freshly dued photos of me remind me of how much I love being on #teamblonde (yes, I just hash tagged in the middle of a blog... BOOYAHKAHSHA!) Anyhoo, what is a repeat offender in this cycle of "to blonde or not to blonde" is a feeling of dissatisfaction and fear... I almost always feel like I want my hair to be a brighter, whiter blonde... but I fear change and can't seem to stop buying the damn Dark and Lovely "Luminous Blonde".... On my frequent visits to Target. I've seen a dye by Clairol called Born Blonde and another, more intriguing color called Super Blonde... for whatever reason, as soon as I think to myself "that's what I need!!!" I get afraid that it's gonna be too strong and I hurry myself to the makeup isles...      
 So, on we go to the reason for this post's title... Everytime I doubt something I hear/read, can't think of the answer to something, wanna figure out how to do nonsense... I turn to my dear friend.. Google! So I literally Googled "going from dyed blonde to platinum blonde" and I read a few articles, blogs, etc. and.... dun dun nuh naaaah! Clairol Born Blonde was the answer!!!


 Well, I found a blog about using box brands (which i'm all about using) to get platinum hair and I was SOLD..... on the Super Blonde

 hahahahahahaha! It just sounds far more official! I'm GOING to use this next time and, if my hair doesn't paye back by fleeing the scene, I will be posting an ass-load of photos in my blog post entitled "Platinums Dreams"... or something of that effect. I haven't put much thought into it and now that I read that back, it sounds pretty lame. lol!
 Until next time lovers! Stay Dazzling.... (also, that will be my sign off on these 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Diary of a Frustrated Mommy... lol

It has been LITERALLY weeks since i've painted this face of mine!... Why?... because I have three little munchkins and it's summer vacation and they only want me to love them! doesn't sound like the worst thing right?... it's not. but jeez I want to get all kinds of dolled up and go somewhere and feel glamourous and gorgeous!... rant over. lol! So, I decided to put together a little collage of my fav looks of mine. the ones that made me feel... DAZZLING lol! Hopefully I can get some freedom to get snatched, even if I don't go anywhere........

 Oh how I LOVE makeup!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Date Night Makeup!

 So... my husband and I had a date night! I went all out with my look!... And by going all out, I mean I actually spent time on my hair and didn't give up on getting my makeup just right, even though my kids really worked hard to distract me. lol! Anyhoo, i've been doing more looks using only Mary Kay
products, so here goes the breakdown.... .

First and foremost, the brows. I always start my makeup with my brows, using Mary Kay Brow Pencil in Brunette and these brows in particular are also featuring MK Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation in Bronze 1 there is a step-by-step pictorial for how I do my brows here:
 On we go to the eyes... I started by applying MK Eye Primer to my lid from lash to brow, and to my lower lid. Next, I highlighted my brow bone with MK Mineral Eye Color in Gold Coast, next, I applied Mineral Eye Color Silky Caramel above my crease anblended it with Gold Coast. On my lid and inner half of my lower lash line I used Mineral Eye Color, Amber Blaze. The dark color in my crease and along the outter half of my lower lashline is Mineral Eye Color, Coal. The pop of color at the inner corner of my eyes is Mineral Eye Color, Lime. I MK Eyeliner in black to create a thin line along my upper lashes as well as on my waterline, and applied Ardell Glamour Wispie lashes.
On my face, I used my Beauty Blender sponge to apply MK Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation in Bronze 3. I used an MK powder brush to apply MK Mineral Bronzing Powder in Canyon Gold to my cheek bones, the bridge of my nose and around the frame of my face. Then I used an MK angled blush brush to apply MK Mineral Cheek Color in Cherry Blossom to the apples of my cheeks. Finally, on my lips is MK NouriShine Lipgloss in Cream and Sugar and... DONE! 

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 For more of me! check out my Instagram @RacquelMUA or my Facebook

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dazzling in the Heat

 A great way to keep your lashes dazzling without the worry of that ever so fanastic raccoon effect by the end of the day is using a waterproof mascara, like Mary Kay Lash Love Waterproof Mascara. It lenthens and defines your lashes (and for all my false lash wearing dazzlers out there, lower lashes need love too) and keeps the mascara exactly where it belongs. Two more ways to keep the grease monster at bay, MAKEUP OR NOT are Mary Kay Oil Mattifier and Mary Kay Translucent Powder. Use tje Oil Mattifier before applying your makeup, or alone for all day oil/ shine control...

Use the Translucent Powder alone or AFTER applying makeup for a colorless veil of oil/shine regulating awesomeness! This powder looks white, but dusts onto skin clear and gives any skintone a matte, almost airbrished finish... who can be mad at that?
For the ladies who like to add some Razzle-Dazzle to their eyes, but don't want their shadows traveling in the heat, Mary Kay Eye Primer is key! I've talked about this product before, and that's because it does exactly what a primer should do.  It allows you to build your shadows to their brightest, it holds them in place for HOURS (i mean, seriously, i've woken up with my makeup in tact... don't judge me for occationally falling asleep in my dazzle ;-p). it's essential for anyone who's not going out bare-lid.

Now, If you're not into adding anything to your makeup routine, but are a bit fed up with the oiliness that comes with hotter days, Mary Kay Beauty Blotters are the way to go. They quickly absorb oil without disturbing your makeup and allow u to renew your look without adding powders and risking the "cake face" look. If you don't wear makeup, these are also ideal because they lift oil off your skin without you having to rub or wipe your face down... essntially, it'll keep your hands and some potential bacteria and dirt from your pores.

Thinking of switching from a liquid foundation for the summer days? Mary Kay Cream to Powder Foundation and also Mar Kay Mineral Foundation (not pictured) are great options. The Cream to Powder is easily applied and blended like a cream/ liquid foundation, but it's finish is as soft and matte as a powder. The Mineral Foundation covers for a flawless face, while conrolling oil, and letting your skin breathe.

If you happen to be a die-hard liquid foundation lover (like myself), maybe just switching to Mary Kay Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation is the way to go. It blends well, finishes matte, helps keep oil under control AND has anti-aging ingredients... sounds like a winner to me! lol!
Last but not least, to keep your face looking just as well put together as before you left the house, Mary Kay Finishing Spray is like holding spray for your face!...witjout the sticky stiffness. lol! It's a great addition to your makeup routine that's light weight and effective.
 For ordering visit
 For bookings, contact
 For my work, and more of me visit  or...
Instagram: @RacquelMUA

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hibiscus!... this may be a bit of an obsession

A little under a year ago, not long after starting my Mary Kay journey, I ordered a few lipstick samples. I chose the colors that looked as little like something I could just run to walgreens and pick up as possible. At the top of my list was Hibiscus. The color was just so pretty to me. Anyhoo, when I got my samples, this color was just as gorg as I thought it would be... the problem?.. I ordered a bunch of samples and, being the... thrifty lady I am, I just used those bad boys (as well as the other colors) until they were gone. well, ADD set in and I got side tracked by dark lip colors and Target clearance items and totally forgot that I was in love with the beautiful Hibiscus. Well, putting in an order recently, I opted to throw in some items for myself as well as some things for me to have ready to sell. Let me just say that this color is one of those that looks best in person because photos do it no justice! even the sample had little to nothing on what u get from the actual tube! (i don't even know how that's possible)... Hibiscus is a perfect blend of red, pink, and purple, it's just all I need... to get by. lol! The photo below is the best photo that I have of this color. it's slightly brighter than in person, but u really get the demensions of the color so, here.....

So here's the eye makeup I paired with the Hibiscus... Step 1: used a tapered crease brush to sweep MK Mineral Eye Color in Silky Caramel into the crease. Step 2: Use a flat shadow brush to pat MK Mineral Eye Color in Gold Coast onto the lid and lightly blend it with the Silky Caramel. Step 3: Highlight the browbone with a super light layer of Gold Coast, then use a short haired shadow brush to add MK Mineral Eye Color in Coal from the outer corner to the outer edge of the crease. Step 4: Blend the Coal inward at the crease. Step 5: use an angled liner brush to add MK Mineral Eye Color in Azure to the inner corner of the lower lid. Step 6: use and angled liner brush to sweep Coal anong the lower lash line and blend where it meets Azure. Step 7: Liner and Lashes! Here I used MK Limited Edition Gel Liner Pot (no longer available) and Ardell Glamour lashes in Wispies.
Here's the entire look! The foundation I use is MK Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation in Bronze 3. the blush is MK Mineral Cheek Colors Cherry Blossom mixed with Golden Copper. This isn't a bad look at Hibiscus, it's slightly dark, but I think u get it. lol! ps: please excuse my brows, I have tweezed this terrible situation away. ;-)   F       
For Booking, Contact:
 Instagram: @RacquelMUA

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Started as a Contest Entry...

Almost every makeup company, hair product company, mua and stylist does a giveaway or contest on Instagram or FB. Every once in a while, i'll actually participate, but only if the prize is a MUST. Well, I reposted a pic for a random drawing giveaway to win an airbrush makeup kit (i swear, if I win, i'm GOING to cry) anyhoo, a young lady namef Ariela (feel free to follow her on IG @arielaartistry) commented on that photo and invited me to participate in her very first giveaway. So, number 1: i'm totally taking that as i'm awesome (don't judge me, and I will not accept any arguments) and number 2:, the giveaway is pretty dope! first prize (which requires a makeup look entry that consists of a look that would compliment the MAC lippie "Candy Yum Yum"... is the "Candy Yum Yum lippie plus $50 in your choice of jewelry from a pretty cool accessory company. (@queenpee). I rarely enter looks for contests, but I figured since she invited me, I should probably give it a go. This is the look I entered. (i don't own cany yumyum, but I tried to get pretty close with this Wet 'n' Wild 511B.)

Step 1: Apply Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Peacock Blue to the entire lid and lower lash line. Step 2: I used a light teal, shimmery shadow from Cover Girl, i(t's so old, I have no idea what it's called) over all of the Peacock Blue and into the crease. Step 3: I swept MK Mineral Eye Color in Spun Silk in the crease and upward to just below the browbone. Step 4: Highlighted the browbone with MK Mineral Eye Color on Gold Coast. Step 5: Used the yellow shadow from my BH Cosmetics Party Girl Palette at the inner corner (top and bottom). Step 6: Rimmel ScandalEyes waterproof black liner and Ardell Glamour Wispies... BOOM!

Full face is Mary Kay Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation, Mary Kay Mineral Cheek Color in Cherry Blossom and the lipstick is, like I mentioned, Wet 'n' Wild in 511B.

For Booking, Contact:
 Instagram: @RacquelMUA


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ask and You Shall Receive! (a break down of the prom look I did)

of course, there's a bit of afilter here, but this and the full-face photos below are taken with no flash.
 Ok, I got a significant amount of love for the look I did on my prom client a few weeks ago. And just yesterday, a friend of mine asked would I do a step-by-step pictorial of that very look. Of course I would!!! So here is that look from top to bottom! (please note that my face and my client's face are different shapes and colors.. slightly.. and this is an example of how the same look will vary depending on who's wearing it) Enjoy....

Starting with the brows! I used my Mary Kay Brow Pencil in Brunette, a Spiral brush and a concealer just a shade lighter than my own skin color.

 After applying Mary Kay Eye Primer, Step 1: Apply a matte brown/maroon-ish color with a flat shadow brush (helpful hint: use a patting motion rather than a sweeping or spreading motion to help build the color. Step 2: apply that same color to the entire lower lash line. Step 3: Use a crease brush and sweep a golden bronze along the crease. Step 4: Take a shadow brush and sweep a matte lavendar color (lightly) over the golden bronze and up toward the brow bone. Then highlight the brown bone with a sheer/shimmery light golden color. Step 5: Use a liner brush to add a shimmery white color to the inner corners of both the upper and lower lid. Step 6: Line the upper lash line (here I used a pencil, on my client, I used a gel liner). Step 7: Apply false Lashes, mascara on the lower lashes and liner to the waterline.

these shadows are numbered by the order they were used, not the step number they were used in... because i'm awesome. lol. but the top left is a Wet 'n' Wild palette u can find at any drugstore, the top right is a sample palette I got with my Coastal Scents order (i do believe the white is called white silver.. but don't hold me to that) and the bottom palette is my trusty old Party Girl Palette from BH Cosmetics. The liner is from Rimmel London's Scandaleyes collection and the lashes are Ardell Glamour Wispies. on my client I used Red Cherry #217.. very similar

And noe for the face! I used a very small amount of my regular foundation to start, then Step 1: I used a small stipling brush to apply my highlighting concealer to my cheekbones, just above my jawline, chin, forehead and down the center of my nose. Step 2: I used a concealer brush to apply my darker contouring concealer under my chrekbones, templrs and alonh the sides of my nose. Step 3: Blended it all with a flat-topped powder brush, then applied a darker powder to the contoured areas and  this time, used my regular shade of powder all over my face. Step 4: Mary Kay Mineral Cheek color in Cherry Blossom, and the lined my lips with a redish brown lip pencil. Step 5: Applied Wet 'n' Wild lipstick in Think Pink all over my lips and blended until thr liner wasn't really visible.

again, no flash...

and no flash. lol! natual light only.

this is my prom client, this photo is taken indoors and with a flash, but u get the gist... she's gorgeous. lol!
So there you have it! The prom look from top to bottom!

 For bookings, contact:

 For more of me and my work:
 Instagram: @RacquelMUA

... At Least My Face is Dazzling?...

This is both on and off the subject of having a sufficient amount of Razzle-Dazzle in life...

A few years ago, I was definitely one of those moms who had the thought process of "having kids is no excuse to not get dolled up or a reason to avoid heels...." ..... that was when I was a mother of 1 glorious little boy who couldn't be bothered with my makeup and hair routine, so he'd gladly entertain himself while I got ready... this is also during the time when I was younger and the snap-back was REAL. I was back to my original size in a week and my boobs were like 2 cup sizes larger. WINNING....

Fast foward to now... I had 2 babies within 2 years of each other, my youngest is now 8 months and my whole family commutes an hour 5 days a week. In addition to that, I basically live at the park.... Fun times! So, our hour commute is usually the only time I have to snatch my face, which isn't bad now that i've gotten used to doing makeup in a moving vehicle. Thank goodness I have that time though! Even if it's just liner, lashes and lipstick, I still feel like I look somewhat Dazzled when at the park with the little ones.... Onto wardrobe...

Now, I know I don't look completely rugged and raggedy, but I never quite feel hot, or even cute in my clothes anymore. The snap-back is a lie now that i'm *cough* 25 *cough* and so just as my body was getting back to lookin somewhat normal after baby number 2... here came baby number 3! So it's a journey. I know i'm going to lose the weight, i'm already close to my pre-any kids weight and size, but I feel like all my clothes qualify me to change my name to Frumpy McFrumperson, Officially!

Anyhoo, what i'm getting at is this, Razzle-Dazzle is always a must, and as long you don't look a hot ass mess, and you're working on getting your wardrobe's life, sometimes u gotta just snatch it up and say to them all "At least my face is Dazzling!"

For morr of me:
 Instagram: @RacquelMUA
 And of course, for bookings:

Monday, May 6, 2013

I Can Never Get Enough Smokey Eye in My Life!

Of course this is so NOT my first time giving praise to the almighty Smokey Eye! But I've actually not rocked my once "go to" look in a little while. So today,when faced with the dilema of how to paint my face, I couldn't help but gravitate to my trusty smoked out look. I've gotten away from doing all Mary Kay looks, and since I'm attempting to get back into bizz and am convinced that ppl need to be shown how fantastic these colors can be, y not smoke it out with my MK?! I put together a little Step-By-Step pictorial as well, just to show how to achieve this look.......

Step 1: sweep MK Mineral Eye Color in Silky Caramel into and just above the creasr, not on the lid. Step2: Use Gold Coast to lightly highlight the browbone and blend it downward into the Silky Caramel. Step3: Cover the entire lid up to thecrease and entire lower lash line with Coal. Step 4: Go over all of the Coal with Midnight Star and blend just slightly upward and into the Silky Caramel. Step 5: Take a wipe, or a cotton swab with a bit of MK Eye Makeup Remover on it and clean up the outter line of the shadow (from the outter corner of the eye to the outter edge of the brow. No liner this time, apply your fav lashes (i'm wearing Ardell Glamour lashes "Wispies") and apply MK Ultimate Mascara to the lower lashes.
 And There you have it! All smoked out and lookin all kinds of Dazzling!

 For bookings:
 Instagram: @RacquelMUA

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dark Grey with a Pop of Fuschia! (step-by-step)

 I had a friend ask me if I had ever done a look using fuschia and grey, and if so, could she see pics. She's going to be in her brother's wedding and the bridesmaid dresses are fuschia. So of course, if someone asks, i'll definitely try out a look and, if wanted, i'll do a step-by-step to go along with it. Well, I actually hadn't done a look using those colors, so today I made sure I got to it....
 Starting with step 1: I used Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color I Sterling at the inner corner of my lid. Step 2: I applied Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Black Pearl to the rest of my lid, blending it with the Sterling. Step 3: I made a V shape at the outer corner of my lid using Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Coal. Step 4: is just blending the Coal inward. Step 5: I dipped a blender brush in Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Spun Silk, then swept it along the crease where the Sterling, Black Pearl and Coal to soften the line and finally Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Gold Coast on the brow bone. Step 6: Along the lower lashline I swept a fuschia pink from my BH Cosmetics Party Girl Palette. Step 7: I used a Rimmel London eyeliner pencil along my lash line (no wing this time) and my water line. Ardell false lashes in 105 on top, and Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara on the lower lashes. TADAH!!! Lol! There you have it folks!

 For Bookings Contact:
 For more of me and my work:                   Instagram: @RacquelMUA                                Facebook:                   

On Second.. and Third Thought (the gift of being indecisive)

So I just posted breif thoughts about being asked to start vlogging and offering video tutorials for my makeup that post, I'm pretty much giving in and stating that i'll be venturing into the world vlogging soon, with my main focus being on showcasing the bold possibilities of Mary Kay makeup. 

Well, I stayed up fairly late last night and I thought about a few things. Clearly, these video tutorials will offer a better explanation of what to do to achieve various looks, but it'll also give ppl a look at who I am, what I sound like, how animated I tend to be when I speak, as well as allowing me to reach a bigger audience. Sounds like a winning situation right?! Right!...

But then I started to think about other things... Like, do I want that? I don't mind letting ppl get to know a bit more about me, I don't mind showing ppl how to beautify themselves... but I really feel like i'm better suited to do that in person. The best part of being an MUA, for me (besides sitting back and enjoying your work post snatch) is the conversation. Being in a position to get to know new ppl, make ppl laugh and feel extra comfortable while I work is the most fun. Showing ppl first-hand who I am as well as what I can do....
 Ok, ok...maybe this is me attempting to make my fears and insecurities into a legit reason to not vlog it up. But damn, it is true tho! I'm way more of a fan of myself in person than via video.
 Confession time: I thought to myself that I should try easing into posting videos and started a KEEK account. I posted 1 video about tbe fact that I was just going to try out getting used to seeing myself on video... then I realized that KEEK only allows you about 35 seconds per video.. BOOO! So then I posted a video about how idk if I liked KEEK at all.. and that's how far I got. hahahahaha! If u wanna check those out, my KEEK name is, of course, RacquelMUA. feedback is more than welcome!

 well, the jury is still out folks. I really think if I do venture into the wotld og vloghing, i'll start with some reviews of products and then eventually get into tutorials. in the meantime, i'll get back into my step-by-step collages.

 Find me on:
 Instagram: @RacquelMUA
 Path: Racquel Guess
 KEEK: RacquelMUA

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To Vlog or Not To Vlog...

For a while now, i've had ppl ask me y I don't have a youtube and y I don't do video tutorials of my various makeup looks. To be honest, while in photos and in person, I can be fairly outgoing, when it comes to talking to a camera, not saying um, not rambling on about a bunch of nonsense and, above all, watching it and feeling satisfied... i'm not too sure of myself. So, as somewhat of a pacifier, I started making step-by-step photo collages. Even still, I am getting ppl asking me to actually show the steps being performed rather than pictures. Jeez Louise! That's not even asking for much, but I'm just so scared to do it. "scared of what?" u may be asking. And that's a good question!...... Look, as a youngster (yup, I said youngster, and shall not be judged!) I wasn't very confident in my appearance as a pre and early teen. of course, I grew out of my awkwardness and into feeling like I am a reasonably attractive girl, but the fact of the matter is that I still look at myself and see every little flaw... I know, I know, everyone is like that... but I don't care. haha!
    Anyhoo... a friend of mine pointed out to me that Mary Kay tends to showcase their cosmetics through soft, very neutral makeup looks. The blues, purples, bronzes... all super buildable and can be really vibrant, are super subtle in the catalogs and online. When I first got started with Mary Kay, I got a few Mineral Eye Colors and realized how rich the colors really can be. I have posted quite a few looks using all Mary Kay products just to show what these shadows can really do... But have I truly done my part? Today, one of my IG followers asked me to start doing video tutorials because she had just started her Mary Kay business and wanted to learn how to do great looking makeup with the products.... Sigh... I guess it's time for me to man up. maybe the good ol' folks at Mary Kay will see what i'm doing and.. shit, I dunno. lmao! I got some things to figure out... like when i'm going to attempt to create my first video tutorial! And now i'm scared. lol! stay tuned.....

Monday, April 29, 2013

Marley Twists... Determination Lead to Uncertainty

 Hey! So... my little cousin shows up to my husband's birthday celebration with this... doo. and it caught me off guard, not because it wasn't dope, but because I always associate her with a very girly and sleek look, so seeing her with such an earthy style was a slight shock. I asked her all kinds of monkey questions about them... very much like when straight-haired ppl ask questions about dreads or course hair... I was all kinds of out of the loop. I hadn't even heard of these... "Marley Twists". But, since I had been contemplating getting dreads for a little while, I thought this is thee perfect way to experience that look without the decision being permanent. I mean, what if I twist my hair up, and I hate it? With these, I just untwist that shit and pretend I never did it. ha!
 After deciding that I must try this style... I couldn't find the hair in my bright ass blonde color! Granted, I only looked in 2 beauty supplies, but... well... ain't nobody got time for anymore than that! lol! Anyway, I went to the beauty supply owned by the creepiest men in the world, ran in, found my color, screamed out "TEN FUCKIN DOLLARS A PACK?!?!?!?!" u know... in my head, bought the damn hair and eventually installed my very own marley twists.... I ran into 2 problems: #1 my hair is not coarse at all so I couldn't use the common twist-in method. I had to start each one off by braiding and then transition into twists.. no big deal. #2 My hair is fine and trying to do these twists as big as my cousin did was NOT a good idea. I looked like Joy in "Friday".. u know, honda civic, bumpin luke and the 2live crew, booty shorts, crop top, "Foo!... Where Craig at?!" Joy?.... yea... Fuck that! so I had to take them all down, split each pre-divided section in to and make my parts smaller. Good times on the reg.  After it was all said and done, I wasn't crazy about them, but they weren't so bad. I figured i'd give them a few days to marinate. It's been like 2 or 3 weeks now and I still don't know how much I really like them! hahahaha! But I get a shit-load of compliments on them and they are pretty convenient... plus i'm just too lazy to take them out. ha!

Here's me thinkin i'm cute... while showing off my ring BOOM!

I tried a little fish tail action when I first put them in... that was a bust.

And this is how I rock them most of the time. lol!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Highlighting and Contouring...... is my new bf!

Highlighting and Contouring... the beginning!

 so, i've always been a fan of the glow and definition that highlighting and contouring gives. but for a while, I didn't know how to properly execute it without looking like a drag! truth be told, I remember using a brown lip liner to contour my face when I was 9 years old, messing around.  those days are over! ha! in the picture above, I have applied a thin layer of my Mary Kay Time Wise Matte Wear Liquid Foundation. The Highlight is a light concealer from my Coastal Scents Camoflage Palette which I love because it's not heavy, and just creamy enough to blend. I used an E.L.F. small stipling brush to apply it on my cheeks, chin and forehead and a concealer brush down the length of my nose. For the contouring, I used the same Camoflage Palette and a concealer brush on the sides of my nose, the underside of my cheekbones, my temples and a bit at my jawline. From there, I took a flat top powder brush by E.L.F. and blended it all. I used a clean small stipling brush to blend my nose. then I use a powder brush from Mary Kay to dust a light colored pressed powder over the highlighted areas and an angled blush brush from MAC to brush a darker pressed powder along the underside of my cheekbones and on the sides of my nose. then a powder that matched my skin tone around the edges of myface.... blush, of course and i'm done....

And there you have it!

Gotta love a little side-by-side action.

 For booking:
  Instagram: @RacquelMUA