Monday, October 22, 2012

My Smokey Eye!!! the cat's out of the bag folks!

it's no secret that i LOVE smokey eyes! (classic smoke as well as jersey smoke) the classic smokey eye is seriously one of my absolute favorite go-to looks. especially for work! keeping it dazzling can be a slight challenge on some days, so it's best to have a great go-to for the days that u can't get ur brain to come up with some razzle, but u still wanna dazzle. sometimes a winged liner, some lashes and a bold lip are all u need to kill the game... but when u wanna go further and u need those eyes to blast off like the fuckin space shuttle smokey eyes r the way to go. i know, i know, i said all this in a previous blog: "When In Doubt Smoke it Out"
but it's all just so very true!
so any ways... keeping in my great mood of wanting to post some step-by-step tutorials and also feeling like everyone can use a little recipe from time to time, i decided to guide u thru my favorite smokey eye! u can use any colors with these steps and achieve... magic! here we go.....

use a short-haird smudge brush to build up ur darkest color
on ur lid up to the crease and along the lower lash line and
out to create whatever shape u like (round, cat... extreme cat)

give a heavy sweep of color along the top or the darker color
from corner to corner...

blend downward and then back up to expand the color
to slightly above the crease...

don't forget about the lower lash line... u want the top to
match the bottom...

take a matte neutral shade (again, like beige) and blend
downward from the brow bone to the color (in tis case green)
don't get to blend happy. u just want to soften the line, the
color should remain concentrated on the lid....

define ur brows with a pencil or shadow (i used a pencil here,
but for the most part i use a shadow) then apply ur favorite
lashes. there's really no need to use liner, but u can if u wanna
go hard in the paint (literally)

just a side view of it all...

and now i'm a happy camper! hahahaha! i'm keeping my lips
neutral with a gold shimmer gloss (MK NouriShine in Beach

And there u have it folks!!! this is how i smoke my eyes out! i rarely start with anything other than black, but i have subbed the black out for a deep purple or blue. but the green? i've subbed that for red, blue, pink, purple, gold, brown... whatever works! so... get to it! hope this helps some folks and if not... book me! lol ;-)

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

Pink and Grey...

ok so... i posted this pic on my instagram page right?....
right. (@racquelmua by the way ;-P)

and a fantastic young lady @haute_hawk asked me to do a step-by-step of this and possibly other looks and that reminded me that i totally started doing that a while ago and i just fell off the band wagon! so after referring her to my facebook and this here blog, i made a decision to get back on my step-by-steps. well... i had no use for these particular colors on saturday, but i did do another look using different colors, but the same techniques i'm using here so here that is....

take a shadow brush (like MAC 252 and build ur color on ur
lid up to the crease and along the lower lash line...
use a tapered crease brush like a MAC 224 to add the darker
color along the lower lash line and out toward the outer corner
of ur brow. (u can take that line as far in or out as u like)

use that same brush to continue from the outer point of the
line and inward along the lid, above the natural crease...

add more of the darker color to fill in the outer corner of the

use ur shadow brush to blend the pink and grey 

use a blender brush and a matte, neutral color (like a beige) at the brow
bone and blend down into the grey. u just wanna soften the line, not
destroy it..

line ur eyes with whatever kind of liner u like. i used a pencil
this time around. and, of course, add lashes!

i got a little ahead of myself and snapped my finished product
before all of my lash glue was dry... but so what!

just a photo of the before and after steps... just cuz.

so yea, there's that! again, any colors can be used for this look, and it's super simple, but looks pretty fantastic! enjoy ;-)

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Find Me!!!

As we all know, there are about 75billion social network sites and each person in the world has at the very least one page for the world to see. Weather it's a business page or a personal page, we're pretty much free to share all kinds of info (both necessary and otherwise) with the world. So I, being the lovely social butterfly that I am, have had quite a few pages on social networks from myspace to instagram... (totally cancelled and left my myspace behind... i feel the need to clear that up before i lose all my street cred. hahahahah!) Anyhoo, i've done a slight bit of advertising this blog on my facebook and i thought to myself "hmmm.... y not post everywhere, all of the places that ppl can find me?".. the answer i cam up with was that there's no reason y i shouldn't do this!
 so yea, hey guys! these r the various places u can find me, follow me, see my work, hear about my day and even contact me!!!:
          -username: Racquel Harang

instagram: @RacquelMUA

.... and i swear i'm trying to have a twitter as well, but it's so confusing! hahahahahahahhaha! i know, i sound like an old person, but i'm really trying to get the hang of it so maybe if i had some followers on there, i'd be more inclined to figure that shit out so.... twitter: @RacquelMUA

Find/ Follow me!!!!