Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today, i received some questions from a friend and just as i was about to answer them, i thought "u not just blog it up?" so here it is....

Jenn- "Do choose your make up style for the day first or your outfit and then decide on make up and does it matter? Sometimes I want to go for a crazier eye color than realize it just doesn't seem to go with my outfit or maybe my outfits too wild so I need a more subdued eye color, your thoughts? and then also whether you change your make up with the seasons? I've seen a lot of "fall looks" lately but have never really thought of fall or spring make up and finally...setting sprays....your thoughts?"
and here it goes....

I guess there is always some relationship between what i'm wearing and the makeup i choose. when i'm rocking something simple in color or monochromatic, i feel the need to go hard in the paint.. literally. lol! brighter colored clothes usually warrant darker or neutral colors on my eyes; and lips r a go no matter what and purely based on my mood. if u feel like ur outfit is too much for the look u want on ur face, maybe tone it down just a bit... or tone down what ur wearing. i think everything should be based on mood with a conscious regard for where ur going. but never be afraid to give the BOOM effect with both ur makeup and ur wardrobe. 
i don't necessarily change my makeup style based on season, however... i do change my wardrobe with the seasons so.... i guess there will be a bit of a difference. i won't use yellows, aqua blues and hot pinks quite as often during the cooler months cuz that just looks silly with a turtleneck (ha! i don't wear turtle necks!). but will u suddenly see me with pumpkins or snowmen tatted on my lids or find me ever wearing red and green shadow together because it's december? no... that's not going to happen unless there's a contest involved. i am a fan of these burnt oranges, burgundies, and greens finding their way onto faces everywhere... but i'm still not convinced that the season should dictate the busting out or hibernation of certain colors... i will smoke it out all year and add a pop of any color to my inner lids all year.
setting spays... i have used one from elf and i liked it. i don't find it necessary for everyday since i don't do much, but i do use it on clients to make sure their look lasts thru whatever it is that they're doing. nobody wants their makeup to quit before they do... but a primer on the eyes and brows and clean, exfoliated & moisturized skin usually holds onto makeup pretty well. 

so.. there that is. ;-)

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)

Because Sharing is Caring...

ok, so we all know that i am a huge advocate of Mary Kay products from skincare to cosmetics.... be we also know that i am a huge fan of all things beauty and makeup and i will try just about ANYTHING... recently i was asked if brand mattered as far as achieving a certain look or level of color.. my response was no. i mean, while u do want to use quality products, that doesn't mean u have to buy the most expensive or popular brands. for instance, Mary Kay eye shadows cost $6.50 retail and they have some amazing colors and great benefits to the wearer because they're mineral shadows... as opposed to mac who's individual shadows go for around $15. i'm totally not knocking any brand. mac costs more, but they have amazing products so, u can't really complain about that... i'm just saying that if u shop around, u can find amazing products for a lot less and achieve greatness on a great budget.
That being said.. my mother-in-law found this eye shadow pallet that had some beautiful shimmery colors. it's a 30-color pallet at goes from pinks to browns and golds to greens and blues... fantastic. But do the colors look as amazing on skin as they do in the pallet? well here's the pallet....
it's by a company called YH Beja cosmetics out of China... i did a couple of swatches on my hand just out of curiosity and was immediately excited about how true these colors stayed.

Next Stop: GOOGLE!

i went on a google search of the company and found their facebook page.. they only have something like 35 likes... because they're a small company and i'm guessing it's not the easiest to find their products... but that's just my guess and i feel it to be my duty to share their fb page as well as their website... and maybe a look that i created using this little gem of a pallet. so...


everything's more fun with a collage right? lol
of course, there is a little Mary Kay going on here. Mary Kay mineral eye color in Coal as well as Mary Kay liquid eyeliner in black.... the fav Kiss lashes #05, Mary Kay mineral bronzing powder... u know.. the usual.
Well, i'm so in love with this pallet and i'm sure that it's going to be making some appearances both here and on my fb page so stay on the lookout. also, check me out on MakeupBee at

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Did I Mention That My Hair Is Growing?....

 Ok so... i wrote about trying new things on my hair here...

and then again here....

because, after gowing blonde, I noticed that, while these roots were no doubt present in my life, my hair length wasn't improving. So even tho I was proteining it up (maybe not as consistently as i could have/should have been) and i wasn't watching pounds of my hair break off, it was obvious that there was breakage and it was def effecting the length that I expect when I'm seeing so much damn new growth.... Well... as of a couple of weeks ago, (and after toning down my usage of the greasy Dr. Miracle Hot Gro to something like twice a week, after i washed with keratin infusion shampoo and condition-washing with keratin infusion conditioner something like twice per week) I noticed that my hair is not only gaining new growth! My length is coming back and that's exactly what i needed... so... this combo is working for me... and I guess I'd recommend it to others... So yaay!... Carry on.

Red Anyone?..... YES PLEASE!

Well, let's just start off by saying that my absolute favorite color is red... It always has been, and tho I do love other colors, it always will be. So anyhoo...
The last few days have been the first in a little while that I've dolled this face up after a week of no makeup at all. I've mixed it up and whatnot, but 3 days have consisted of my lover color RED! Dope right?.... absolutely!
This past saturday, my oldest boy had a pop warner football game and his team colors just so happen to be RED black and white... I felt it to be very appropriate for mommy to represent the best way she knew how so I grabbed my makeup bag and MAC brushes on the way out of the door and in the car, I made a little magic...

Yesterday was my monday at work... the actual monday was spent taking care of important affairs... so anyway, I wore a little black dress (u know, the kind that's dinner, dancing and/or work appropriate?) and I busted out my fave red shoes (ps the only other red shoes I own are a pair of patent leather steve madden mary jane/ toe killers and some high top chuck taylors... yes i am a thug part-time. hahaha) so anyhoo, I had found these red open-toe booties at.. wait for it..... burlington mutha fuckin coat factory for $12! hahahahahahahaha! well, they're magical and I plan to wear them until the wheels fall off... So these little gems needed to be matched up with something hot and, even tho the dress is fairly hot, the look would not be complete without... dun dun duuuuuh a red smokey eye! the kind that starts with black and then has red over it to create a deep and dark look that makes ppl look twice and think (is that red?) yes ppl, it's red... on a work day... and it doesn't look costumey...
Here's the magic i'm talking about

Last up, we have today (that doesn't mean this is the last time I'm going to work red into my makeup... I mean, let's get real ppl). When I go black and white with my wardrobe (which, after being pregnant, i'm noticing is a lot more often than it used to be) I like to toss in some awesome color on my face... usually it's with bright eye makeup, but I also have become accustomed to making magic with a bright lip.. preferably pink or red... and usually when the lips r bright, the eye is fairly toned down... but just like I've said before, some days u gotta say Why Not? and Smoke It Out! Today was one of those days and I decided to combine a classic smokey eye (just black) and a RED lip... I feel like a star.. from the neck up of course. hahahahaha!.....

The first look included BH Cosmetics eye shadow, Mary Kay Liquid liner, Mary Kay TimeWise foundation, Mary Kay Mineral cheek color as well as Mary Kay Mineral bronzing powder, and Kiss lashes #05.
The second look included Mary Kay Mineral eye color in Coal, BH cosmetics eye shadow, Mary Kay Liquid eye liner, Mary Kay TimeWise foundation, Mary Kay Mineral cheek color, Mary Kay NouriShine Plus lip gloss, and Kiss lashes #05.
Look number 3 was a complete Mary Kay face including Mary Kay Mineral eye colors Coal, Sienna and Silky Caramel, Mary Kay TimeWise foundation, Mary Kay Mineral cheek color in Cherry Blossom, Mary Kay Mineral bronzing powder in Canyon Gold, Mary Kay liquid eye liner, Mary Kay Cream lipstick in RED... and Kiss lashes #05 (can u tell those r my favs right now?)

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

When In Doubt... Smoke It Out!

Ah, words to live by. lol. seriously tho, when you're not sure what to do with your makeup and you really don't want to be just plain and simple... Smoke it out.. and in any color! When on my way to work and trying to figure out what I want to do with my makeup, I tend to draw blanks or even sink into a bit of a lazy funk. The ride isn't the smoothest and sometimes, I want to do a look that I can actually complete on the way, rather than a look that I have to finish up at the office. That is the classic smokey eye! When I say classic, what I mean is the graduation of color from dark to light starting at the lash line and working up toward the brow... the ladies of Jerseylicious (whom I ADORE... except tracy.. fuck that sloppy bitch) have been calling the eye with a super defined crease and dramatic blending, a smokey eye... and while they're not wrong (I wouldn't dare call the Glam Fairy wrong lol!) that's not really what I personally think of when I say smokey eye.. so from now on, i'll call that the Jersey Smoke. hahahahahahhahah! Anyhoo, I exercise my right to smoke with black as my base and blend it out into greys, blues, purples, pinks and even reds.. but never forget that you can start with any color and still achieve a successful smokey eye. So... seriously, when in doubt and not willing to settle for simple liner and gloss, Smoke It Out! and let your eyes pop, the way they should. ;-)

black blended up into purple...

fuchsia pink blended up into yellow

....this is basically just a shimmery silver/grey blended out into nothing...

peacock blue blended up into green...
So basically... Smokey eyes are your friend... so get to it!

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)

Monday, September 17, 2012

For the Love of Color!

so i took a bit of a break from makeup... not anything too dramatic... i just had a baby and was totally wrapped up in that world. needless to say, i missed throwing color all over my eyes in the name of the my love of color... so yesterday during my visit with the in-laws, i decided to dive right into my party girl pallet eyes first.....

I started at the inner corners of both top and bottom lids to just before mid-lid with a sea foam green... used electric blue in the middle, and then a plum purple on the outer corners.... fuchsia pink along the top, yellow in the inner corners, and a mixture of the fuchsia pink and an aqua blue up to my brow... gel liner along the upper lash line and winged-out, gel liner on the water line and ultimate mascara on both top and bottom lashes... this would have been more awesome with false lashes... but i had left them at home :-/  still, i was super pleased with how this came out... now if only i could convince myself to pluck my brows. hahahahahahaha! hope u enjoy! ;-)

Feel free to contact me for MK products and Bookings! ;-)