Monday, November 19, 2012

Lime Love!

Last week, I tried out a new (not very new, but new to my collection) Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color called Lime right? well, i totally fell in love with it! it's one of the fall favs and it can be (and has been) used to brighten up an eye or two... well, last week, instead of just putting a dab here or there, i totally made it the center of attention!
BOOM! lol
And what better way to showcase my appreciation for the use of a brighter color in the fall than to Step-By-Step it on up!....

it's pretty self-explanatory... it goes left to right from top to bottom (obviously) and the colors used are Lime, Espresso, Amber Blaze (over the top of those) , Honey Spice (at brow bone), a look at the blending, Jet Black Gel Liner and Ultimate Mascara.... BOOYAH!

And don't forget...
Feel free to contact me for Bookings and info on any of the colors you've seen here!!! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua
I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

lipstick Lipstick LIPSTICK!!!!!

I got a few inquiries about lipstick that made me realize that i TOTALLY never concentrate on just the lips. I'm gonna use this post to give some important tips about wearing lipstick successfully and not feeling like a clown, which i know is a common feeling when setting out into the colored lip woods.

"Mary Kay of course!
The Satin Lips Set ($18)
 is stupid good!"
First off, no lipstick will look good on dry, peeling, rough lips... it just won't. So the first step to werking some lip color is smoothing your lips out and making sure they're moisturized. What do i recommend? Mary Kay of course! The Satin Lips Set ($18) is stupid good! Step 1, the Lip Mask, exfoliates your lips and Step 2, the Lip Balm, moisturizes them beyond belief. The best way to get great results that last is to do this before bed (and not having a make out session... or other things... after). Exfoliate, then Balm those bad boys! You will definitely notice a major difference in your lips! Then maintain your moisture by balming again after breakfast/ teeth brushing. When applying your lipstick, blot that balm off though (don't scrub them dry). You don't want your lip color going balm skating off your lips. So that's the before-color important tip!

Next, let's talk about lasting color. While you can go for a "long-wear" or stain, if you find a color that doesn't have those options and you don't want to compromise, here is a way to get that color to last a little longer than the norm....
Step 1: line naked lips with a color that matches (or comes pretty close) to your lipstick of choice.
Step2: Fill in your lips with the lipstick you've chosen.
Step 3: Blot your lips with a tissue
Step 4: Take a clean, fluffy shadow brush and load it up with your powder (pressed or loose) dab that                  on your lips until they're totally matte.. but not so much that it's just loose all over your mouth.
Step 5: Add your lipstick again
Step 6: Blot once more, and then add lipstick again.
It sounds like a lot, but it totally works to get your color lasting all the live-long day/ night.

Now, let's talk about Matte. Matte colors are always fun, whether it's pinks, reds, purples or nudes. Plenty of brands offer matte-finish lipsticks. But, once more, if you've found/ fallen in love with a particular color that does not come in a matte finish, here's how to make it happen!....
Step 1: Follow all of the steps in the long-wear section above except on Step 6, don't re-apply... and that's it! Matte Lips, that last!
Another thing that I've tried for matte lips is dabbing an eyeshadow of the same color over my lips after applying lipstick. It's quicker, but doesn't last as long, for sure.

DARKNESS!.. ok so dark/ rich colors are IN! I think pinks and nudes are here to stay for a bit, since a pink or nude lip can be rocked year-round, but the fall/winter seasons are bringing some Deep Reds, Darker Pinks, and Rich Browns/ Purples. This is a super fun time since wearing these kinds of colors during spring and summer can give the impression of wanting to be goth-ish.... So, when werking these colors, there are just a few rules.... i mean, u can do whatever u want with your face, when i say "rules" i mean simple guidelines for those who are totally lost when venturing into the darker color caves. (y do i keep doing that?) anyhoo... Remember these few key things before slapping on that deep, dark, rich color...
"you're not about to step on the set
of a vogue editorial shoot so...
calm that shit down."
1: Keep your eyes a bit simple.. you're not about to step on the set of a vogue editorial shoot so... calm that shit down. Start with a neutral shadow on your lid (something that's not too far off from your skin-tone) with matte lips, try a little shimmer on your eyes (i said A LITTLE) and with shiny lips, go for a matte shadow,  and define your crease very lightly with a color that's only a little darker than your starter color. Bust out some lashes or your fav mascara and you're in the game.

2: If you want to play up your eyes a little more, try a sleek cat eye with a gel liner (like the one i've recently fallen in love with Top lash line only!

3: It's a really good idea to line your lips when using deep colors, to keep that color on your lips and keep you from entering into ronald mcdonaldville. 
4: and also, a really even face is a big deal! You want your skin to be even and for your blush/ bronzer (if you're using any) to be light and not draw attention away from those lips of your.

5: Teeth! Although they say that a darker lip makes your teeth look whiter, you have to remember that when ur rocking a bold lip, everyone will be looking at your mouth. So a little extra maintenance isn't a bad idea. also, when ur all set, lips on and ready to go, take your index finger and stick it in your mouth, lightly close your lips around it, and slide it out. this will catch that excess on the inside of your lips that may be tempted to jump ship onto your teeth. ;-)

Hope this was helpful!

And don't forget...
Feel free to contact me for Bookings and info on any of the colors you've seen here!!! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua
I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Warming up a Smokey Eye...

First of all, i wanna say that this title has got me singing "Warm it up chris! i'm about to! warm it up chris! cuz that's what i was born to do!" (don't judge me)
Anyhoo, today i decided to keep with these fall-themed colors and add some fall warmth to an otherwise cool smokey eye....
Starting with a primed eye, i add Mary Kay Mineral Eye Color in Midnight Star... It's dark but not super dark and it has a fun shimmer. Next i added Sweet Plum (remember that on the list of fall favs?... well.. it was there). Blend the Sweet Plum into the Midnight Star and up toward the brow. Next it's Amber Blaze at the inner corner! (another fall-fav). it totally warms up this smokey eye. now it's just a bit more fun.. and hot! hahahaha! *clears throat* I like to use Silky Caramel from the Sweet Plum to the  outer brow. it softens the line of color and it's less of a highlight and more of a filler color... it's there but not there. From there, it's gel liner (my love), Ultimate Mascara, Foundation, a Mineral Cheek Color called Golden Copper to play into the Amber Blaze warmth (i'm gonna fire the word warm after this post btw) and on the lips?.. Creme Lipstick in Fuchsia! BOOM!

...CLOSE UP OF THE EYE.. fun right?

...Collage fun with photos of the products used

And some fun art by my bestest Joshikins!

Feel free to contact me for Bookings and info on any of the colors you've seen here!!! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

The New Love Of My Life...

so... about a year ago, i decided to try out a gel pot eyeliner from a drugstore because i wanted the look of a liquid liner with the ease of application of a pencil. and i immediately fell in love! so of course it was like the worst day ever when i lost it somewhere in my car and couldn't find it for shit. (yes, my car is a cluttered mess. i have 3 kids and spend 80% of the day in it.. don't u judge me) anyhoo, this season (like all seasons) Mary Kay came out with some limited edition products that were fantastic...
it's called the Hollywood Mystique Collection and it's full of super glam products...including a gel liner!!!!!

Well, of course i bought it! and it's AMAZING!!! the gel has a creamy texture, it goes on really smooth, it lasts for forever and ever, it's EVERYTHING i need it to be! plus it comes with a cute little expandable brush! i'm so excited about it, i had to give it it's own post so... yea, that's what this is. lol!
This gel liner also comes in Tempting Teal and that's super yummy... i'll have a look or 2 to post using that color soon!

Feel free to contact me for Bookings and info on any of the colors you've seen here!!! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fall Hottness...

Although, i like to rock any color, anytime and don't necessarily let the seasons dictate what i put on my face, i can't deny that that the masses are very conscious of seasonal trends in makeup, hair and fashion. so here's what's going on this fall (and honestly, every fall) 
top to bottom left: Sweet Plum, Amber Blaze, Emerald.
top to bottom right: Lime, Gold Coast

These r pretty much, along with some coppery bronze and brown colors, the can't-miss colors for fall. I'm a big fan of Mary Kay Mineral Eye Colors (which are the brand shown above) and I've decided that not enough ppl are taking advantage of how amazing these products/ colors are. So i'm on a mission to do some "Mary Kay All The Way" looks using these trendy fall colors along with some of my other favs....
So this here is using just one of the fall trends, Lime. I used it as a color pop on a pretty standard modern (jersey) smokey eye. Silver Satin and Coal are the other colors used on the eyes and I think this look is good for this fall, since not everyone is wearing warm tones everyday. Pair this look with MK Creme Lipstick in Pink Passion, and seriously, u can't go wrong! 

In this look, I used Iris and Copper Glow (2 super fall-esque colors) and threw in one of my favorite blues, Midnight Star. I LOVE this look! It's bright and fun while being a bit sultry and warm. Amazing for day or night and perfect for this season! For my lips, I used Satin Lips Lip Balm and... Mineral Eye Color in Sweet Plum! The color I matched is NouriShine Plus Lipgloss in Berry Tart. I hadn't received mine yet and couldn't wait. lol

Here, I've Got Emerald and Sweet Plum with a hint of Amber Blaze making some fall magic happen. This, my friends, is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that fall-inspired makeup is trending all over the place. I threw in some Creme Lipstick in Hibiscus to play up the brightness of the Emerald. It's fun, it's warm it's colorful... it's frickin fall folks! hahaha! 

Here we're bordering on Fall and Winter... This, is holiday makeup ppl! It's warm and cool, it's fun and glamorous. On the eyes we have Honey Spice and Espresso along with a new item Mary Kay gel liner (my absolute favorite ever! i love gel pot liners and couldn't wait to get my hands on MK's! It's- wait, i'll write a review on it in a bit). on the lips? MK Creme Lipstick in Rich Fig! Oh this Color!!! It lives up to it's name and is definitely Rich! I fell in love with it as soon as it went on! I think this is a perfect color for both the holidays, and those days when u want to be super bold but aren't in the mood for a bright red lip. A must-have for sure.

So, there you have my notes on Fall Hottness and some examples of on-trend colors used in some wearable ways. BOOM!!!

Feel free to contact me for Bookings and info on any of the colors you've seen here!!! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wait... How Do I.....?

Ok, so.. i have a friend who shoots me the occasional question and since her questions r not uncommon, i like to respond here for anyone with similar questions to have access to the answers... anyhooo... she asked me about these 2 things so i figure i'll kill 2 birds with one blog, ;-)

"...How to use eyeshadow or blended eyeliner underneath the eye without looking like you have a black eye (and how to make it stay)
and finally how to do the light color pretty much all over the lid and then where to start that dark color..."

to the first part of this, i say start with PRIMER!!!! (excuse my excitement) but yes, eye primer is pretty important for 1:keeping your eye color in place, 2: keeping your eye color from creasing, 3: to let your eye color pop... so when applying primer, don't be shy. apply it to the upper and lower lid so when you line your lower lash line, the color doesn't go sliding out of place and giving you the raccoon effect. also, when applying color to your lower lash line with shadow, use a flat shadow brush to keep the color spreading evenly and the line just as thick or thin as u like. also, don't load that brush up with color... tap, blow or shake excess shadow off so it doesn't get too messy. when using liner, apply the liner and then use a sturdy smudge brush or and actual rubber smudge tool (not sure if that's the name cuz i'm super drawing a blank, so here's what it looks like...
this kind of smudge tool is the best for liner. always clean up any makeup that falls onto your face and even clean up your line if you like. it should look like this...

As for the second part of this inquiry, after applying you lighter color to your lid, if you're unsure where to begin with your darker color... start with you lower lash line.... even if you're not going to line your lower lash line, you basically want your shadow to extend the natural shape of your eye so you would take a fairly narrow brush and, instead of stopping at the outer edge of your eye like you would in the above look, you'd just take that line out toward the end of your brow as far out as you like. referring back to another post (that actually features the picture below) you can see the exact step where the darker shadow is taken from the lower lash line out toward the brow. use that same step, but don't feel obligated to take it as far out as i chose to... i like drama in my eye makeup. 

I hope this was helpful for you all who are still making attempts at bringing Razzle-Dazzle into your everyday makeup routines!
If there are ANY other questions, feel free to shoot them into the comments box, or my inbox. and remember, hands-on is always just a bit more fun, so I'm available for actual personal teaching! what could be more fun than having an MUA spend an hour or 2 coaching you through your favorite looks?! 

Don't forgets...

Feel free to contact me for Bookings! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Here Comes the BRIDE not Here Comes Ru Paul....

Hey there ladies! I was recently inspired to talk about the ways of achieving an amazing face for a bride's special day! There are some pretty important things to consider when ur preparing for such a high-emotion, once-in-a-lifetime (hopefully ;-P), getting photographed at every moment kind of day...  and sometimes, ppl make slightly questionable decisions.

1: always consider the style of ur dress, wedding and hair... these things should all be coordinated.
2: always have a trial run at least a few weeks before the big day so u can make an educated choice as to who will have the honor of beating ur face. this also gives u time to fit in more than one trial to weigh ur options
3: WATERPROOF!!! if ur a cryer, u don't want to walk around doing the dramatic fanning of the face to ensure that ur makeup doesn't run and, above all, u sure as hell don't want to look like a raccoon on ur wedding photos. there are waterproof mascaras, liners and eye shadows so that's something to ask ur MUA about at ur trial.
4: finishing spray... i don't think that finishing sprays are totally necessary on an everyday basis, but on a day as important (and loooong) as ur wedding day, set ur foundation with a powder and finish it up right.
5: the Eyes and Lips are seriously important! waterproofing ur eyes to keep ur makeup from running and setting ur face with a finishing spray go hand-in-hand.... as well as making sure ur pout is perfect. there's gonna be (or there should be) a lot of kissing at ur wedding and u don't want ur lips looking bare after a few smooches... u also don't want ur honey looking like the joker. to prevent this, u must first exfoliate ur lips and moisturize them well to ensure that ur color goes on smoothly. use a long-wear lip liner that won't smudge to keep ur color on ur lips and only ur lips and then use a long-wear lipstick.. preferably one that comes with a gloss because using any old gloss can counter the long-wear abilities. or, consider using a lip stain. they last a while too.
6: remember that even when wanting to look glam, u want to look like YOU pick colors that compliment ur skin and always keep in mind that u will look at these photos from time to time and u don't want to feel like u look like u were a contestant on Ru Paul's Drag Race. a smokey eye should be just a touch softer in color as well as application. instead of black, go for greys or browns, try sheers and pastels instead of bold, high pigmented colors on ur eyes. be sure that ur face is given a natural glow with minimal shimmer. u want the right features highlighted and no heavy contouring. this is y it's important to have a trial with an MUA so u can discuss what u want and then what u do and don't like about how they attempted to achieve what u wanted.
7: be sure to use primer! just to ensure that the makeup that is applied is even and smooth and there's no worries about creasing or blotchiness in ur photos.

For your big day, a friend's big day, or any other occasion....

Feel free to contact me for Bookings! ;-)
Instagram: @racquelmua

I offer free trials as well as a Mary Kay Microdermabrasion treatment with your makeup application.